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Charity Golf



The PUSO Family is proud to partner with Ateneo Golf to present the return of our Putting 4 Purpose Charity Golf Tournament, powered by Chedda Token. The tournament will take place on Friday, September 30, 2022, at the Heritage Hunt Golf and Country Club in Gainesville, Virginia!

Registration for the golf tournament is now open. The cost for early bird admission is $135 per golfer, $540 per foursome, if you register and pay by September 1st. After this date, the fee will increase to $150 per golfer, $600 per foursome. The format of the tournament will be Scramble. 

Each ticket includes greens fees, an open bar for the duration of the event, a boxed lunch (courtesy of Supreme BBQ), and custom gift bags. Additionally, each golfer will have the opportunity to compete in our closest-to-the-pin, longest drive, and hole-in-one competitions. You won’t want to miss out on our prizes!

Proceeds from Putting 4 Purpose will benefit the PUSO Foundation’s ongoing Hope Reframed Housing Project. Space is limited. Visit the links below to register as a golfer and to explore our sponsorship packages!

2022 Featured Sponsors

Title Sponsor

Cheda Tokken_Logo_BLK.png

Platinum Sponsors

Cloak and Dagger.PNG
Bethel Academy.png

Silver Sponsors

MM Dentisry.png
Vicente Group.PNG
RGX Cares.png
Deausen Realty.PNG
Matthew's Grill.PNG

Bronze Sponsors

CPR LOGO 2021.png
Kuya Ja's.PNG
Navigators Global.PNG
Auntea Boba.png
All-Pro Reels.png
Advanced Chiropractic & Sports Rehab.png

Tannaz Farnoudi

Refresh Music Group.jpeg
P2W Apparrel.heic

Gift/Prize Sponsors

La Vie.jpeg
Mighty Meals.png
Nara ya.png
Washington Towels.png
Happy Endings Hospitality.PNG

Family Donations


The Forde Family

Legasto Family

2019 Recap


Venue: Heritage Hunt Golf Course

Location: Gainesville, Virginia

Date: May 3, 2019

Number of Golfers: 44

Amount Hole Sponsors: 42

Amount Raised: $9,250



Filipino Youth Basketball Association

2018 Recap


Venue: Penderbrook Golf Course

Location: Chantilly, Virginia

Date: April 28, 2018

Number of Golfers: 35

Amount Hole Sponsors: 32

Amount Raised: $7,550



Filipino Youth Basketball Association

The Experience

About Us

The P.U.S.O. Foundation is an international 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, established in March 2017 and registered in January 2018 in the state of Virginia.

Puso is a Tagalog (Filipino) word that directly translates to “heart” in English. However, it has a more powerful and personal meaning for this organization – P.U.S.O. is an acronym for the Purposeful Unconditional Service to Others.

Since its inception, the P.U.S.O. Foundation has delivered on its mission to provide hope with a purpose by serving over 450,000 lives around the globe, thanks to the support and involvement of local and global volunteers, students and alumni of the College Outreach Program, and various corporate sponsors.

"Our love for others is our grateful response to the love God first demonstrated to us." - 1 John 4:19

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